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sâmbătă, 9 martie 2013

Something Is Missing

Something is missing. What is it? Man's gratitude-drop. Something is found. What is it? Man's haughty pride. Who needs it? Nobody! No, not even the all-devouring death. 

Something is missing. What is it? Man's service-hands. Something is found. What is it? Man's feeling of worthlessness. Who needs it? Nobody! No, not even the worst possible fool on earth. 

Something is missing. What is it? Man's responsibility-tree. Something is found. What is it? Man's satisfaction-compromise. Who needs it? Nobody! No, not even the saint who is all forgiveness. The saint is willing to forgive ignorance, but he willnever make any compromise with ignorance-illusion.

Ceva lipsește 

Ceva lipsește. Ce este? Picătura de recunoștința a omului. Ceva a fost găsit. Ce este? Mândria-trufașa a omului. Cine are nevoie de ea? Nimeni! Nu. Nici măcar moartea a tot-devoratoare. 

Ceva lipsește. Ce este? Mâinile care sa ajute ale omului. Ceva a fost găsit. Ce este? Sentimentul lipsei de valoare a omului. Cine are nevoie de el? Nimeni. Nu. Nici măcar cel mai mare prost de pe pământ. 

Ceva lipsește. Ce este? Copacul-responsabilității omului. Ceva a fost găsit. Ce este? Satisfacția-compromisului omului. Cine are nevoie de ea? Nimeni. Nu. Nici măcar sfântul care este plin de iertare. Sfântul este gata sa ierte ignoranta, dar nu va face nici un compromis cu iluzia-ignoranță.

Sri Chinmoy

2 comentarii:

  1. This is it...If only humanity would wake up and realise the truths that you have expressed here, the world would know peace and peace itself would return to the hearts of men. Thank you, george, for sharing these words of wisdom. :-)

    1. Sooner or later we will have to realize these truths, cause otherwise we going to destroy this world. We are not that far from both actually.. :)
