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vineri, 22 martie 2013

Think thrice!

”When I think once I say what I intended to say. When I think twice, I hesitate to open my mouth. When I think thrice, I never fail to keep my proud mouth shut.

Every day God is telling me that the real miracle is not walking on water, but loving the heart of each and every human being.

I do not mind failing as long as I do not stop trying altogether.” 
 Sri Chinmoy
„Atunci cand ma gandesc o data spun ceea ce doresc sa spun. Atunci cand ma gandesc de doua ori, ezit sa deschid gura. Atunci cand ma gandesc de trei ori, niciodata nu dau gres in a-mi tine gura mea mandra inchisa.

In fiecare zi Dumnezeu imi spune ca adevaratul miracol nu este mersul pe apa, ci faptul de a iubi inima fiecarei fiinte umane.
Nu ma deranjeaza sa dau gres atat timp cat nu renunt la a incerca in continuare.” Sri Chinmoy

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