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duminică, 21 aprilie 2013

A lion-cub of the Divine Mother

"I, a lion-cub of the Divine Mother, found myself thrown into life among the sheep of human frailties: of fear, failure, and disease. Living long among them, I learned to bleat with weakness, forgetting my lion-nature and its roars, which could frighten away all petty, pestering sorrows.
O Lion of Realization, Thou didst drag me away from those bleating sheep to the mirror-smooth waters of meditation. There didst Thou cry, "Gaze!" But I held my eyes tightly shut, bleating with fear. Thy roar of wisdom then reverberated through my body. Thou madest me, by hard shaking and spiritual urging, open my eyes. And there, lo! in the crystal pool of my inner peace, I saw my features to be even as Thine own!
Now I know mysel as the Lion of cosmic power. I will bleat no more with fear, weakness, and suffering, for I roar, now, with vibrant, almighty power! I bound about through the forest of all experiences, seizing little creatures of veixing worries, timid fears, and wild hyenas of disbelief, devouring them ruthlessy.
O Lion of Immortality, roar through me Thine all-conquering power of wisdom!"

Eu, un pui de leu al Mamei Divine, m-am gasit aruncat in viata, printre slabiciunile umane: de frica, de esec si de boala. Traind printre ele, am invatat sa behai din slabiciune, uitand de natura mea de leu, si de ragetul acesteia, care putea inspaimanta toate supararile mici si sacaitoare.
Oh Leu al Realizarii, tu m-ai luat dintre aceste oi care behaie catre apele linistite ce oglindesc ale meditatiei. Acolo mi-ai spus ” Priveste!” Dar eu mi-am tinut ochii strans inchisi, behaind de frica. Ragetul tau de intelepciune apoi a rasunat prin corpul meu. Scuturandu-ma puternic si indemnandu-ma in mod spiritual, m-ai facut sa-mi deschid ochii. Si acolo, iata! In lacul de cristal al pacii mele interioare, Am vazut ca sunt la fel ca Tine!
Acum stiu ca sunt Leul puterii cosmice. Nu voi mai behai de teama, slabiciune si suferinta, pentru ca acum rag, cu o putere colosala si vibranta! Am trecut prin padurea tuturor experientelor, masurand micile creaturi cu griji sacaitoare, frici timide si hienele salbatice ale necredintei, pe care le-am devorat fara mila.
O leu al Nemuririi, rage prin mine puterea Ta atotcuceritoare a intelepciunii!”

Paramhansa Yogananda

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