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marți, 23 aprilie 2013

I have only three dreams

People have many dreams, but I have only three: perfect peace between the soul and body, the total transformation of my nature and complete satisfaction in God's entire creation.

There is definitely a link between the inner and the outer worlds. We have to consciously feel this link, and finally we have to touch and strengthen the link with our soul's determination and body dedicated service and willingness. Now the body listens to the mind. When the mind says, ''Go this way" the body goes. The next moment the mind says, "No, no, no! That is the wrong way to go. Follow some other direction;" and the body follows. In this way the body is caught by limitations. But far beyond the domain of the mind is the soul. The soul is flooded with light. If we consciously try to have a free access to the inner being, to the soul, then naturally the light of the soul will come to the fore and will help us at every moment to deal with the tenebrous darkness in us and around us. Finally, we see that either we have transformed darkness into light or we have come millions and millions of miles away from darkness and are bathing in the sea of infinite light.

The wish of my soul:
My body will become
A perfect instrument of God.
The wish of my body:
My soul will be 
My body's ever-leading
And ever-forgiving captain.

Oamenii au multe vise, dar eu am doar trei: pacea perfecta dintre suflet si corp, transformarea totala a naturii mele si satisfactia completa a intregii creatii a lui Dumnezeu.

Exista cu siguranta o legatura intre lumea interioara si cea exterioara. Trebue sa simtim in mod constient aceasta legatura, si in final trebuie sa atingem si sa intarim aceasta legatura prin determinarea sufletului nostru si serviciul dedicat plin de bunavointa al corpului nostru. Acum corpul asculta de minte. Atunci cand mintea spune, "Ia-o in directia asta," corpul o face. In urmatorul moment mintea spune, "Nu, nu, nu! Asta e o directie gresita. Mergi in alta directie," si corpul asculta din nou. In felul acesta corpul e prins de limite. Dar mult dincolo de domeniul mintii se afla sufletul. Sufletul este inundat de lumina. Daca in mod constient incercam sa avem acces la fiinta interioara, atunci natural ca lumina sufletului va veni la suprafata si ne va ajuta in fiecare moment sa avem de a face intunericul plin de tenebre din noi si din jurul nostru. In cele din urma, vedem ca fie am transformat intunericul in lumina fie am ajuns la milioane si milioane de mile distanta de intuneric imbaindu-ne in lumina infinita. 

Dorinta sufletului meu:
Corpul meu va deveni
Un instrument perfect a lui Dumnezeu
Dorinta corpului meu
Sufletul meu va fi
Capitanul atotiertator
Si atotconducator al corpului meu.

Sri Chinmoy

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