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miercuri, 17 aprilie 2013

God's constant presence

To feel the absence of ego is as difficult as to see God's constant presence in oneself.

The desire-thief in us wants to be as vast as the ocean, but when somebody brings him in front of the ocean and tells him to jump into the ocean, he becomes frightened to death. If we aspire, at that time nobody will have to bring us in front of the sea. We ourselves will come and jump into the sea and start swimming. Ego makes us want to become something vast, but inner courage it does not have. When we have aspiration, we have inner courage. We know that we will not drown, but on the contrary, we will be illumined.

According to your heart's receptivity-smile
God is trying and trying
To manifest Himself in and through you
In a very special way.

A simti absenta egoului este la fel de dificil cu a simti prezenta constanta a lui Dumnezeu in cineva.

Hotul-dorinta din noi vrea sa fie la fel de vast ca si oceanul, dar atunci cand cineva il duce in fata oceanului si îi spune să sară in ocean, el se inspaimanta de moarte. Dacă aspiram, nimeni nu trebuie sa ne aduca in fața marii. Noi inșine vom merge si vom sari in mare și vom incepe sa inotam. Egoul ne face sa ne dorim sa devenim ceva vast, dar el nu are curaj interior. Atunci cand avem aspiratie, avem si curaj interior. Știm ca nu ne vom ineca, ci dimpotriva vom fi iluminati.

Conform zâmbetului-receptivitatii inimii voastre
Dumnezeu incearca si iar incearca
Sa se manifeste in si prin voi
Intr-un mod foarte special.

Sri Chinmoy

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