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duminică, 21 aprilie 2013

A true spiritual seeker

I meditate on God not because God will give me everything I want. I meditate on God because God will give me only the things that I need.

A true spiritual seeker feels that there is a link between the inner world and the outer world. And something else he feels. He feels that if we feed the inner world, then only can the outer world have its true meaning. The body is the outer world. Daily we feed the body three times without fail. We have been doing it and we shall keep on doing it until we breath our last. But again, there is deep within us a child called the soul. To keep the body alive we eat, but to help the soul, to fulfil its divine mission on earth, we have no time. Unless and until the soul, which is the conscious representative of God in us, is fulfilled, we can never be fulfilled in our outer life.

If you do not keep 
Your God-appointment
Early in the morning.
Then during the entire day
You will be blessed with
Bitter disappointment.

Meditez asupra lui Dumnezeu nu pentru ca Dumnezeu imi va da tot ceea ce vreau. Meditez asupra lui Dumnezeu pentru ca Dumnezeu imi va da doar lucrurile de care am nevoie.

Un cautator spiritual adevarat stie ca exista o legatura intre lumea interioara si cea exterioara. Si mai stie ceva. El stie ca daca hranim lumea interioara, doar atunci va putea lumea exterioara sa fie cu adevarat semnificativa. Corpul este lumea exterioara. Zilnic hranim corpul de trei ori pe zi, negresit. Am facut asta mereu si o vom face pana in ultima noastra clipa. Dar, din nou,  exista ceva adanc in noi care se numeste suflet. Pentru a tine corpul in viata noi mancam, dar pentru a ajuta sufletul sa-si implineasca misiunea lui divina aici pe pamant, nu avem timp. Pana cand sufletul, care este reprezentatul constient a lui Dumnezeu in noi, nu este implinit, noi nu vom putea fi niciodata impliniti in viata noastra exterioara.

Daca nu mergi
La intalnirea cu Dumnezeu
Dimineata devreme.
De-a lungul intregii zile
Vei fi binecuvantat
Cu dezamagire amara.

Sri Chinmoy

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