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marți, 30 aprilie 2013

Every seeker

Every seeker has to give up to the Supreme what is best in him.

At every moment I am assailed by bad thoughts or inspired by good thoughts. When I am assailed by a bad thought, I will try to discard it. When I am inspired by a good thought, I will try to develop and enlarge it. When I start meditating early in the morning, if one good thought comes, I will try to enlarge it. Let us say it is a thought of divine love-not human, emotional love, but divine, universal love-”I love God, I love God's entire creation." This thought can be expanded. I can think of love as my ideal, as my ultimate Goal. In this way, if I think of divine love, universal love, transcendental love, then I am identifying myself with the Goal itself.

Ask your mind to be
A child of illumination
And not
A merchant of confusion.

Fiecare cautator trebuie sa-i ofere Supremului ceea ce este mai bun in el.

In fiecare moment sunt asaltat de ganduri rele sau inspirat de ganduri bune. Atunci cand sunt asaltat de un gand rau, voi incarca sa-l indepartez. Atunci cand sunt inspirat de un gand bun, voi incerca sa-l dezvolt si sa-l maresc. Atunci cand incep sa meditez, dimineata devreme, daca apare un gand bun, voi incerca sa-l extind. Sa spunem ca este un gand de dragoste divina, nu dragoste umana, dragoste emotionala, ci dragoste divina, dragoste universala-" Il iubesc pe Dumnezeu, iubesc intreaga Lui creatie." Acest gand poate fi extins. Pot sa ma gandesc la dragoste ca fiind idealul meu, ca fiind Telul meu ultim. In felul acesta, daca ma gandesc la dragoste divina, dragoste universala, dragoste transcedentala, atunci ma identific cu Telul insusi.

Cere-i mintii tale sa fie
Un copil al iluminarii
Si nu
Un instrument al confuziei.

Sri Chinmoy

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