Take everything as it comes, even if you do not see the reasons for some happenings, Supreme will not give you nothing in vain. Be careful to everything that happens to you and you will be able to learn Supreme's lessons at once, or you will just have to pass through the same experience over and over. And do not forget nobody is guilty of the suffering you are passing through. Supreme need to offers you these experiences, these lessons through somebody. He is the one behind everything that happens to us. And everything that happens is for your own good.
Ia tot ce vine așa cum vine, chiar daca nu vezi rostul unor intamplari, Supreme cu siguranța nu-ti oferă nimic in zadar. Fii atent la tot ce ti se întâmpla si vei putea invata lecțiile lui Supreme fara mare efort si fara sa fie nevoie sa repeți aceleași experiențe dureroase iarăși si iarăși. Si nu uita ca nimeni nu e vinovat de durerea prin care treci uneori, Supreme trebuie sa-ti ofere aceste experiențe prin cineva, El este cel care e in spatele a tot ce ti se întâmpla. Si tot ce ti se întâmpla e spre binele tău.
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