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vineri, 31 mai 2013

Each problem is a force

Man can be happy and safe only when the heart feels faster than the mind thinks.

Each problem is a force. When we see the problem we feel deep within us a greater force. And when we face the problem we prove to the problem that we not only have the greatest force, but we are the greatest force on earth. A problem increases when the heart hesitates and the mind calculates. A problem decreases when the heart braves the problem and the mind supports the heart. A problem diminishes when the mind uses its search-light and the heart uses its illumination-light.

When outer difficulties
Stand in front of you,
Just tell yourself,
”If I can meditate
In spite of this opposition,
I will become
A better and stronger God-seeker
And God-lover.”

Omul poate fi fericit si in siguranta doar atunci cand inima simte mai rapid decat gandeste mintea.

Fiecare problema este o forta. Atunci cand vedem problema simtim adanc in interior o forta si mai mare. Iar atunci cand infruntam problema dovedim problemei ca nu doar avem cea mai mare forta, ci ca suntem cea mai mare foarta de pe pamant. O problema creste atunci cand inima ezita si mintea calculeaza. O problema descreste atunci cand inima infrunta problema iar mintea ajuta inima. O problema se diminuiaza atunci cand mintea isi foloseste lumina-cautare iar inima isi foloseste lumina-iluminare.

Atunci cand dificultatile-exterioare
Stau in fata ta,
„Daca pot medita
In ciuda acestei opozitii,
Voi deveni
Un cautator si un iubitor a lui Dumnezeu 
Mai bun si mai puternic.

Sri Chinmoy

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