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vineri, 24 mai 2013

The defeat that brings us triumph

There is one defeat that brings us a greater triumph than even victory does. What is that defeat? The defeat of our ego by our soul.

We weaken the ego and ultimately subdue it by thinking of God's all-pervading Consciousness. This consciousness is not something that we have to achieve. This consciousness is already within us; we just have to be aware of it. Further, while we are in meditation we have to develop it and illumine it to infinite proportions. And to our wide surprise, the ego will be buried in the bosom of death.

Oh Lord,
Do give me the capacity
To love Your Silence-Sound
Infinitely more than I love
Anything else.

Exista o infrangere care ne aduce un triumf mai mare decat o victorie. Care este aceasta infringere? Infrangerea egoului nostru de catre sufletul nostru.

Ne slabim egoul si in cele din urma il supunem gandindu-ne la Cosntiinta atotpatrunzatoare a lui Dumnezeu. Aceasta cosntiinta nu este ceva ce noi trebuie sa obtinem. Ea se afla deja in noi; trebuie doar sa fim constienti de ea. Mai mult, atunci cand suntem in meditatie trebuie sa o dezvoltam si sa o iluminam in proprortii infinite. Si spre marea noastra surpriza, egoul va fi ingropat in adancul mortii.

O Doamne,
Da-mi capacitatea
De a iubi Sunetul-Tacerii Tale
Infinit mai mult decat iubesc
Orice altceva.

Sri Chinmoy

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