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duminică, 12 mai 2013

Perfect happiness is

Whatever takes place in the divine Providence, is not only for the best, but also inevitable, because there is no alternative.

Success and failure are two experiences. These two experiences we have to unify, and whichever experiences we get at the end of our endeavor, we have to offer to the Supreme with tremendous joy. If we can place the result at the Feet of our Beloved Supreme soulfully, cheerfully, unreservedly   and unconditionally, then without fail we will have true peace of mind. At that time peace of mind will come and knock at our life's door. We will not have to wait for peace of mind; it will be waiting for us.

Perfect happiness is
Enthusiasm minus

Tot ceea ce are loc prin Providenta divina, nu este doar cel mai bun lucru, dar si un lucru inevitabil, pentru ca nu exista alternativa la el.

Succesul si esecul sunt doua experiente. Aceste doua experiente trebuie unite, si fiecare experienta pe care o primim la sfarsitul efortului nostru, trebuie sa o oferim Supremului cu bucurie uriasa. Daca putem aseza rezultatul la Picioarele Iubitului nostru Suprem cu insufletire, bucurie, fara rezerve si neconditionat, atunci fara gres vom avea adevarata pace a mintii. Atunci, pacea mintii va veni si va bate la usa noastra. Nu va trebui sa mai asteptam pacea mintii; ci ea ne va astepta pe noi.

Fericirea perfecta este
Entuziasm minus

Sri Chinmoy

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