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luni, 20 mai 2013

Faith has been chosen by God Himself

Faith has been chosen by God Himself to be the campaign manager for God's Victory.

Having faith in God and having faith in oneself is the perfect answer to all questions. But our faith has to be something inner and deep within. It is not mere outer vital confidence in oneself. This faith is the river that is flowing into the sea of ever-growing, ever-illumining reality.

By defying doubt,
His mind is flying
In the sky of God's

Credinta a fost aleasa de Dumnezeu insusi sa fie managerul de campanie pentru victoria lui Dumnezeu.

A avea credinta in Dumnezeu si avea credinta tine insuti este reaspunsul perfect la toate intrebarile. Dar credinta nostra trebuie sa fie ceva care este in interior, adanc inauntrul nostru. Nu este vorba doar despre increderea noastra vitala in noi insine. Aceasta credinta este râul care ne duce catre marea realitatii care creste si ilumineaza in mod constant.

Sfindind indoiala
Mintea lui zboara,
In cerul Incantarii-Satisfactie
Al lui Dumnezeu.

Sri Chinmoy

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