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sâmbătă, 25 mai 2013

Wait for tomorrow to think tomorrow thoughts

Wait for tomorrow to think tomorrow thoughts.

From the spiritual point of view, each thought carries a special weight in our mind. Each thought has a special significance. In our ordinary life we all know what a thought is. We create thought. We cherish thought. There is nobody who does not know how to think-ordinary thinking, that is. But if one who has a developed mind stops thinking, if he has learned the art of stopping the mind, he makes tremendous progress in the spiritual life. When a thought enters into the aspiring mind, it is like meeting an enemy in the battlefield. The more one can silence the mind, the sooner one realize the Goal.

God loves you
When He sees your heart
Flooded with silence.
God loves you
When He sees your mind 
Empty of its usual contents

Asteapta pana maine pentru a gandi gandurile zilei de maine.

Din punct de vedere spiritual, fiecare gand are o greutate speciala in mintea noastra. Fiecare gand are o semnificatie speciala. In viata noastra obisnuita noi toti stim ce este un gand. Noi cream ganduri. Ne bucuram de ele. Nu e nimeni care sa nu stie cum sa gandeasca-avem in vedere gandirea obsnuita. Dar daca cineva are o minte dezvoltata si se opreste din gandit, daca a invatat arta de a opri mintea, el va face progres urias in viata spirituala. Atunci cand un gand intra in mintea aspirantului, este ca si cum am intalni un inamic pe campul de lupta. Cu cat mai mult putem sa ne linistim mintea, cu atat mai repede vom realiza Telul nostru.

Dumnezeu te iubeste
Atunci cand vede inima ta
Plina de liniste.
Dumnezeu te iubeste
Atunci cand vede mintea ta
Goala de continutul ei obisnuit

Sri Chinmoy

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