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joi, 23 mai 2013

Happy is he who has overcome all selfishness

Happy is he who has overcome all selfishness. Blessed is he who sees God emerging from the sea of ego.

The ordinary human ego gives us a sense of separate identity, separate consciousness.  No doubt, a sense of individuality and self-importance is necessary at a certain stage in man's development. But the ego separates our individual consciousness from the Universal Consciousness. The very function of the ego is separation. It cannot feel satisfaction in viewing two things at a time on the same level. It always feel that one must be superior to the other. So the ego makes us feel that we are all separate weaklings, that it will never be possible for us to be or to have the infinite Consciousness. The ego, finally, is limitation. This limitation is ignorance, and ignorance is death. So ego ultimately ends in death.

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Fericit este cel ce a depasit orice egoism. Binecuvantat este acela care Il vede pe Dumnezeu aparand din marea egoului.

Egoul uman obisnuit ne da un sentiment de identitate separata, de constiinta separata. Nici o indoiala, un sentiment de individualitate si importanta de sine este necesara intr-un anumit stadiu al dezvoltarii omului. Dar egoul separa constiinta noastra individuala de Cosntiinta Universala. Principala functie a egoului este separarea. El nu poate avea satisfactie atunci cand vede doua lucruri odata la acelasi nivel. Intotdeauna considera ca unul din acestea trebuie sa fie superior celuilalt. Deci egoul ne face sa simtim ca suntem niste entitati separate slabe, si ca nu este posibil pentru noi sa fim sau sa avem Constiinta infinita. Egoul, in final este limitare. Aceasta limitare este ignoranta si ignoranta este moarte. Asa ca in cele din urma egoul va sfarsi murind.

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Sri Chinmoy

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