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duminică, 26 mai 2013

God's Will

Are you casting about for true happiness in life? If so, yield not to reason, yield not to fate, but yield only to the dictates of your inner voice.

God's Will in an individual is progressive, like a muscle developing-strong, stronger,strongest. God's Will is to make an individual feel that there is something abiding, lasting, everlasting. When an individual reaches that stage,  he will know God's ultimate Will. God's Will we can know from the sense of abiding satisfaction it gives us. Anything that is eternal, anything that is immortal, anything that is divine, is God's Will. Even though God deals with Eternity, He is not indifferent even for one second. For it is from one second, two seconds that we enter into Infinity and Eternity. Let us try to feel what God's Will is at every second.

God does not want
To fulfil your desire
Precisely because
He wants to fulfil His own desire.
What is God's desire?
His desire is to make you
Exactly like Him: another God.

Esti hotarat sa obtii adevarata fericire in viata? Daca da, nu ceda ratiunii, nu ceda destinului, ci abandoneaza-te doar dictatelor vocii tale interioare.

Voia lui Dumnezeu intr-o persoana se manifesta progresiv, asemeni dezvoltarii unui muschi-puternica, mai puternica, cea mai puternica. Voia lui Dumnezeu este sa faca persoana sa simta ca exista ceva permanent, de durata, etern. Atunci cand o persoana ajunge la acel stadiu, el va cunoaste Voia ultima a lui Dumnezeu. Voia lui Dumnezeu o putem recunoaste prin sentimentul de sataisfactie constanta pe care ni-l ofera. Tot ceea ce este etern, tot ceea ce este nemuritor, tot ceea ce este divin, este Voia lui Dumnezeu. Desi Dumnezeu lucreaza cu Eternitatea, El nu este indiferent nici macar o secunda. Caci de la o secunda, doua secunde, intram in Infinit si Eternitate. Haide sa incercam sa simtim Voia lui Dumnezeu in fiecare secunda.

Dumnezeu nu doreste 
Sa-ti implineasca dorintele
El vrea sa-si implineasca propria Lui dorinta.
Care este dorinta lui Dumnezeu?
Dorinta Lui este sa faca din tine
Un alt Dumnezeu exact ca El.

Sri Chinmoy

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