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sâmbătă, 11 mai 2013

How can we know if something is God's Will?

Pray so that you can tell God what you have been doing. Meditate so that God can effectively tell you what you are supposed to do.

How can we know if something is God's Will? When something is God's Will, we will feel a kind of inner joy or satisfaction, even before we start doing it. While working, we will also get joy. Finally, we feel that we will be equally happy if our action is fruitful or fruitless. In the ordinary life we are happy only when success downs. Only when we see victory at the end of our journey are we happy and delighted. But if we can have the same kind of happiness, joy and satisfaction whether we succeed or fail, and if we can cheerfully offer the result of our action at the Feet of our Beloved Supreme, then only can we know that what we have done is God's Will. Otherwise, when there is success, we feel that what we did was God's Will, and when there is failure, we say that what we did was the will of a hostile force. Or when we succeed we say that is because of our personal effort, our will, and when we fail we say it is because God does not care for us.

Only when we please God
In God's own way
Shall we feel comfort.
Everything will be an ordeal.

Roaga-te astfel incat sa-i poti spune lui Dumnezeu ce ai facut. Meditateaza astfel incat Dumnezeu sa-ti poata spuna ce ar trebui sa faci.

Cum putem sti daca ceva este Vointa lui Dumnezeu? Atunci cand ceva este Voia lui Dumnezeu, simtim un fel de bucurie interioara sau satisfactie, chiar si inainte de a incepe sa facem acel lucru. In timp ce lucram la el de asemenea primim bucurie. In cele din urma, simtim ca vom fi la fel de fericiti fie ca actiunea noastra este fructuoasa sau lipsita de rezultate. In viata obisnuita suntem fericiti doar atunci cand avem succes. Doar atunci cand vedem victoria la sfarsitul calatoriei noastre suntem fericiti si incantati. Dar daca putem avea aceiasi fericire, bucurie si satisfactie, fie ca reusim fie ca esuam, si daca putem sa oferim cu voiosie, rezultatul actiunilor noastre la picioarele Iubitului nostru Suprem, doar atunci putem sti ca ceea ce am facut este Voia lui Dumnezeu. Altfel, atunci cand vom avea succes, vom considera ca am implinit Voia lui Dumnezeu, iar atunci cand esuam, vom spune ca ceea ce am facut a fost voia fortelor ostile. Sau atunci cand reusim vom spune ca se datoreaza efortului nostru personal, sau vointei noastre, iar atunci cand esuam, spunem ca asta se datoreaza faptului ca lui Dumnezeu nu ii pasa de noi.

Doar atunci cand il multumim pe Dumnezeu
In felul Lui propriu
Vom fi linistiti.
Totul va fi un chin.

Sri Chinmoy

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