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miercuri, 22 mai 2013

The secret of secrets

Allow others to enjoy their superficial superiority. You try to enjoy the purity of your heart's satisfaction-unity.

Sometimes, in order to prove his superiority, man tries to exercise his power violently, aggressively. He wants to derive joy from his superiority. He wants to prove to the world that he is important. In order to prove his eminence he adopts any means, and his conscience does not bother him. God, out of His infinite Bounty, comes to him and says, "This is a wrong choice. You cannot prove to the world that you are matchless, unique. What you actually crave from your superiority is joy, boundless joy. But this boundless joy will never be yours unless you know the secret of secrets. And that secret is your indivisible oneness with each human being on earth."

Your strong reliance
Upon your own capacities
Will be downfall
Of your spiritual life.

Lasa-i pe ceilalti sa se bucure de superioritatea lor superficiala. Tu incearca sa te bucuri de puritatea unitate-satisfactie a inimii tale.

Uneori, pentru a-si demonstra superioritatea, omul incearca sa-si exercite puterea in mod violent si agresiv. El vrea sa obtina bucurie din superioritate lui. El vrea sa demonstreze lumii ca e o persoana importanta. Pentru a face asta, el foloseste orice mijloc, si constiinta lui nu-l deranjeaza. Dumnezeu, prin Gratia lui inifinita, vine la el si-i spune, "Aceasta alegere e gresita. Nu poti demonstra lumii ca esti fara de egal, unic. Ce ravnesti de fapt sa primesti de la superioritatea ta este bucurie, bucurie nelimitata. Dar aceasta bucurie nu va fi niciodata a ta decat daca aflii secretul secretelor. Si acest secret este unitatea ta indivizibila cu fiecare fiinta umana pe pamant."

Increderea ta puternica
In propriile tale capacitati
Va duce la
Prabusirea vietii tale spirituale.

Sri Chinmoy

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